Login to EAP Services


How much does it cost?
HealthLink EAP is an employer-sponsored program. That means there is no co-pay or deductible to access our services. However, payment for services beyond those provided by the EAP are your responsibility.

What services are covered by the EAP?
Depending on the plan purchased by your employer, HealthLink EAP offers online, telephonic, and in-person services to help you meet your personal goals and help improve your overall well-being. We can work with you to identify resources that may help you:

  • Resolve a substance abuse problem for yourself or a loved one
  • Improve your personal and professional relationships
  • Address an emotional concern
  • Locate a child or elder care provider in your area
  • Manage stress
  • Break a bad habit or start a good one
  • Deal with a financial concern or legal issue

What services aren't covered by the EAP?
Employee assistance programs are an employer-paid service. Therefore, matters involving employment such as harassment, workers' compensation, disability, medical malpractice, or other legal issues involving the employer are not accepted for service. Also, ongoing treatment after the number of sessions covered under the EAP are exhausted are not covered.

Who has access to my personal information?
HealthLink EAP is committed to safeguarding your personal information. Only authorized associates have access to your information, and only the minimum necessary to fulfill their job functions and provide you with optimal service.

Can I talk to a live person if I have questions?
Absolutely! The HealthLink EAP representatives are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, through the toll-free number on your EAP card.